Crafty Crickets
Satellite of Love

Male crickets rub their front legs together to attract females. Some males do not attract their mates this way. In fact, they leave the job up to another male entirely. Such a male will hide out near a male that is calling out to females and will mate with the female who goes looking for the male sending the signal. The hiding male's strategy is called satellite behavior.

Courtship and Cannibalism

Sagebrush crickets (Cyphoderris strepitans) are one of only five species belonging to the obscure Othopteran lineage, the Haglidae, and are closely related to true crickets. These insects, found only in the high altitude meadows of Wyoming and Colorado, have developed interesting cannibalistic behavior during mating. The breeding season starts in early May and lasts until mid-June. At nightfall, males climb into the sagebrush and begin to sing. Mating occurs when a receptive female climbs the dorsum of a male and he transfers a spermatophore to her, which she stores outside the body. During mating, the female sagebrush cricket feeds on the male's meaty hind wings and ingests the haemolymph (insect "blood") flowing from his wounds. These wounds are not fatal and are an adaptation that enhances a male's reproductive success. Females will remate much sooner if the male has less wing material to offer for feeding. Sexual cannibalism occurs mostly in arachnids and inscts.

Mate guarding is an important phenomenon that occurs in many insects, including crickets. Males may guard females before mating to ensure their paternity. This is called precopulatory guarding. Post-copulatory mate guarding can prevent rival males from mating with the female, theoretically protecting the ejaculate of the male. Post-copulatory mate guarding is common in male crickets.

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